I want to help you find the Secret to Happy-for you and your child!
I am an occupational therapist. I am also a mom.
This journey of parenthood changed everything I did as a therapist. When your child isn't happy, no one is. Join me on this journey of helping more children, and more people find their happy. |
The Secret To Happy Book is NOW AVAILABLE! (click the book image to purchase) About the Book: Parenthood is an incredible journey of emotions. When things get hard and your child struggles, it can be difficult to know what to do. Whether your concerns are new or ongoing, this book offers insights and everyday examples that teach you how to view behavior through a different lens and reinforces that you are not alone. The author, Kristin Robison, has personal experience dealing with ADHD and anxiety issues that affect her own kids and has worked with children and families to help them find “Happy” for over twenty years. The Secret to Happy presents information that will change how you respond to your child. It provides research-proven strategies an occupational therapist would use to modify behavior and support emotional growth. The approach discussed in these pages was developed and refined through clinical expertise and real-world experiences. This knowledge will enrich your journey and help you and your child find “Happy”. |
All we want for our kids is for them to be happy....to find happy.
I work with kids.
I love how they think and the innocence that is genuinely human.
I love that most kids can take ANYTHING and find the purpose, the good.
Our society today is tough.
There is a lot of negativity, and all we have control over is how we respond.
There are a lot of kids who struggle with school- even in preschool.
There is a lot of sadness and struggle.
I continue to learn every day despite doing this for 20 years.
I'm not saying that everything you need is on this site.
It is my clinical practice and school-based consulting firm all in one place.
This site is my attempt to reach more people, to help more kids and more families.
It is what I have put together for clients and schools but also it is a place to find more resources.
I hope some of what is here gives you a different way to see a child,
maybe even reassurance that you are not alone.
Every child is amazing- they are all here with a purpose,
but this is a journey, and we are only a guide.
To find the secret to happy we have to know about the puzzle pieces that impact behavior every day.
There are so many pieces to the puzzle of HAPPINESS and it can be hard to know where to start.
This is a start.
Whether this child is 3 or 23, your perspective is critical.
You have the ability to help this child figure out the various puzzle pieces that make up HAPPY.
It doesn't matter if you are a full-time working parent, a teacher, or a friend.
It takes ONE person to see this child differently.
There is a purpose, even some goodness, in the struggle.
If you can spin your thinking like this, you WILL find happy.
Does Your Child Struggle at School or with Homework?
We know that sensory processing and the signals that feed the brain are critical for success, but one prominent issue that affects academic success relates to executive functioning. Planning, organization, goal setting, and attention are all key elements in school and many times these skills are the last to develop.
Check out this page for ways to support your child; there is also a questionnaire to help you figure out which specific skills might be most affecting performance and the work-cycle.
Check out this page for ways to support your child; there is also a questionnaire to help you figure out which specific skills might be most affecting performance and the work-cycle.