Sensory Processing and Regulation
Sensory processing signals allow our thinking brain to work, and these come from the inner part of the brain. This is where feelings are analyzed, danger is detected and ultimately where warning signals come from so we can adjust our behavior. When the thinking brain is getting a clear signal, it can respond and do what it needs to which means regulation can occur. When we have an imbalance in signals, the thinking brain can't respond. Sometimes we get a response, but it takes a really long time for things to happen. Most kids need 3-5 seconds to respond; when there is a signal issue you can expect 7-10 seconds and I can form a lot of assumptions about this kid when it takes them 7-seconds for them to go brush their teeth or turn in a paper like the rest of the class. This is where our child gets hurt; labels, assumptions and negative impressions are all they are left with and then happy is really hard to find.
We need a way to to read signals and often kids have trouble understanding what is going on inside. Dragons provide a fun way to talk about how sensory processing works in the nervous system. When signals are sent from the nervous system the brain can analyze them and respond. This usually results in adaptive behavior. But what happens when the signals aren't working? This can be a big part of the poor behavior we are dealing with. Kids who might be called "lazy" might actually be getting NO signals so they don't know to respond. They're not lazy, they just don't know that they are supposed to be doing something. Kids who are emotionally sensitive or extremely anxious might have too many signals. They aren't weak, they are just trying to manage the signals so they can do what we are asking.
This is where the dragon becomes a very useful tool. Imagine for a moment that we all have a dragon who lives in our brain- in a “dragon cave.” This cave sits at the base of all our thinking power. It is where all the messages come from and how the thinking brain “feels” what is going on. It is easy to see that even a super-smart thinking brain can’t work if there are no (or crazy) signals coming from the cave. The cave is where all the REGULATION happens; the thinking part is where the SKILLS happens. They are both needed. The cave is where the feelings come together to create signals that instruct the computer/thinking brain.
Dragons are also responsible for signals that are needed at school, not always life and death situations. We should have warnings that help us attend to the homework assignment or work project that should be started NOW instead of Thursday night when it is due Friday. This feeling of heat and uneasiness can be good because this dragon’s job is to alert us, and what better way to get our attention than through fire and rumbling noise? He is necessary for safety if he knows WHEN to use his fire.
When the dragon is in check, the child can work their magic; they can laugh with friends, listen, and logically determine what they need to do. When this kind of SELF-REGULATION happens, I like to say the child is acting like a “MASTER DRAGON TAMER” because they have the magic to calm or wake the dragon, and they also know how to use him to make life easier and safer. We need to be able to handle “dragon problems” so we can be safe, logical, successful….AND REGULATED.
Fire Dragons |
Sleepy Dragons |
When our dragon is constantly shooting flames and stomping feet, we DO NOT feel good! This feeling inside can keep us from trying new things, playing with new people, and essentially keep us from anything NEW. Anxiety is a very common issue with people who have a fire dragon problem, and these constant worries can be exhausting- for all involved!
When the brain switches into “protection mode”, more and more stress hormones are released. This wicked cycle can create behaviors that are erratic and often misunderstood. Symptoms such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive tendencies and even ADD/ADHD can accompany this imbalance of signals. |
Sleepy dragons are tricky because you will think all is well until it suddenly ISN’T! If your child has too much sleepy dragon, they are likely A LOT of fun and maybe even super laid back! Sometimes the lack of signals may only affect them in specific areas of life, and it may not be quite as obvious as with others.
School can be tough with sleepy dragons in charge because kids don’t get the signal to listen, and often there is no way to know when to start working. Success can be hard to find, no matter how smart they are. No signal telling them to stop or start is usually how this dragon issue interferes with life. There no alarms going off to prompt appropriate behavior or prevent inappropriate behavior. |